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Which tree should be planted where and why ?

which tree should be planted where and why ?

 Hello everyone we are always discussing about environment. In the past, corona epidemic has taught the world a lot, in which people have also learned the importance of oxygen

We provide information about environment, agriculture, Ayurveda, lifestyle,and trees through our you tube channel AAS Horticulture and Nature .We have provided our channel link at the please watch and subscribe our chhanel.

So we thought how much we know about the elements that give oxygen.  And similarly, today we are going to discuss here how to plant according to our knowledge about other useful trees.

First of all let us think about  the tree species that can be planted near the house............

Sandalwood, Blood Sandalwood, Parijataka, Umber, Bakul, Bel, Kusumb, Amla, Mango, Lilac, Sweet Neem, Shevga, etc.

Plants give oxygen for twelve to sixteen hours.........

Vad, Pimpal, Umber, Neem, Kadamba, Nandruk etc.

In this way, we can plant the tree according to the availability of space around the house.

Now let's discuss about the tree or plant that can be planted in the garden or pots........

Tulas, Shabda, Seetab, Shami, Vad, Pimpal, Parijat, Bel, Jasmin, Tejpan, Jasvand, Tagar, Snakeplant, Moneyplant, Nagvel, Gulab, Sweet Neem etc.

These types of useful plants should be planted in gardens and pots.

Now let us see the species of trees that can be planted in religious places.....

Vad, Umber, Peepal, Pakhar, Nandruk, Bel, Tulas, Kadamba, Shami, Chafa, Apta,chandan, etc.

Trees suitable for roadside planting

Neem, Jambhul, Karanj, Vad, Tamarind, Pimpal, Shisav, Shirish, Umber, Mango, Kashid, Saptaparni etc.

Now let us consider the trees that can be planted for farm fences, embankments and afforestation...

  • Ghaipat, Shikekai, Forest Erand, Chilhar, Sagaragota, Nivdung, etc.
  • Neem, shevga, hadaga, shevari, mulberry, palm, etc.
  • Mango, amla, fanas, tamarind, khirni, jambhul, mulberry, fig etc.

medicinal plants

Amla, Beheda, Hirda, Neem, Arjuna, Ritha, Karanj, Nirgudi, Sivan, haladu, Garali, etc. 

Now let us see the trees that can be planted to reduce air pollution, dust and toxic gases as well as industrial pollution.

 wad,pimpal,charoli,umbar,ashok,amba,bakul,kadamb,shawar,putranjivi,shirish,sitapbhul,saptparni,bor,peru,kadunimb,awala,bell,chinch,palash etc.

Now let's look at the timber..

Teak, Sivan, Bija, Bamboo, Eucalyptus,  etc

Now let us discuss light timber and fuelwood trees.

babhul, Arjuna, Neem, Shirish, Suru, Khair, Karanj, Hivar, Dhavda, etc.

Now we have discussed about all the trees but the important one should not be forgotten is the fruit trees

Mango, awala,kaju,peru Sitaphal, Jambhul, Orange, Lemon, Apple, Cherry, Mulberry, chinch, Bor, Ramphal, Khirni, Chiku, Ratamba, Tendu, Starfruit, Wax Apale, Grapefruit, Grape, Coconut, Date, etc. . 

You can plant this type of fruit trees on your farm, on the side of the house, on the lawn or in the backyard as possible.
For more information about fruit trees, watch the video we are giving below.


In this way let us help the environment by planting trees around us so that the environment repays us in a big way.
The government system also supports the planting of trees, social forestry, agriculture department, forest department etc. should be contacted. Thank you.

aas horticulture and nature 

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