Hello friends, today we will discuss about the treasure of health.
Yes, about such a fruit which is a precious gift of nature.
amla or indian goosberry is powerhouse of neutrients. acording to ayurdveda amla can help balance the three doshas - kapha,vata,pitta.
amla fruit is one of the best source of natural vitamin C which is easily and rapidly absorbed by the body. amla is a measure ingrediant of ancient ayurvedic preparation which believe to prolong the ageing process and helps to keep young.
it is full of antioxidents that are effective in reducing the cell damage which reduces the free radicals that can cause diseases in the body.
it increases the number of white blood cells, the body"s defence mechanism to fight allergies and infections.
many people hesitate to take amla raw, as it sour and bitter in taste.
amla improves lever functions,boosts vitality and provides energy improve immunity for developing resistance power against diseases
names of goosberry in diferent languages.
- snaskrit-amlak
- hindi,gujrati-aamla
- telugu-usarkay
- farsi-amlaj
- english-goosebery
This is the fruit of the tree of the euphorbiaceae family, it is found everywhere in India.It is of two types, one is wild gooseberry and the other is grown in garden. Among these, the garden one is the best for Ayurvedic medicine. It flowers in autumn. Its leaves are like tamarind, its branches bear small yellow flowers like mustard seeds.
Amla is produced more in stony soil. Its fruits weigh from ten to fifty grams.
There are six fine lines on it and the core that comes out inside also has six corners.
roy or shri or tarper rewadi etc.
Properties of Awala
Amla grow hair and joins broken bones.
uses of goosberry.
Marmalade of goosberry is very popular.
goosberry candy also popular.
goosberry powder and dried fruits also used .
mix pikkel or pikkel made by goosberry.
Kwath is made from the juice of its bark.
The bark and pulp/or dried pulp of its fruit are used medicinally.
mainly use in chyawanprashs.
first ingrediant of triphala churna.
what is triphala ?
awala + baheda + harad is triphala.
Benefits of Triphala
Improves eyesight, improves digestion and cures constipation.
typhoid is cured.
Food ingredients /100 gram
- water - 81
- phosphorous- 0.02
- iron - 1.2
- protein - 0.50
- minerals - 0.7
- calcium - 0.05
- fibers - 3.4
- Vitamin C - 0.6
- Vitamin B - 0.03
- calories - 59
- carbohydrates - 14
- fat - 0.1
- nicotinic acid - 0.0002
Function of amla according to modern science
- cardiac tonic
- curetive of dermatosis
- intestinal astringents
- digestive
- aphrodiasiac
- brain tonic
- anti thrust drug
- anti emetic
- blood purifires
- anti pyretic
- anti diabetic
- bronehiel sedatives
- anti scorbatic
- rejuvenators
- liver corrective
- anti hycough drug
- stomactis
- procreants
- appetisers
- diuretic
- brochial anti-spasmoids
- anti burning syndrome drugs or refrigerants
- adjuvants in purgative therapy